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The Koyal Group Info Mag Review - Förnekarna av vetenskap: anti-vaccination och anti-abort rörelser


I December 2014 var "Lyckligaste platsen på jorden" kopplad till förebyggas sorg. En icke-vaccinerade besökaren till Disneyland eller Disney California Adventure Park infekterade minst 26 andra med mässling; epidemin sprids till Washington, Utah och Colorado. Den gemensamma riskfaktorn för de smittade var avsaknaden av immunisering. Mässling är mycket smittsam och komplikationer hos barn är öroninflammation, lunginflammation, encefalit och död. En sjukdom som förklarade utrotas i USA år 2000 har nu återvänt. Varför? Vetenskap förnekande, kändis påskrifter och apati.


Anti-vaccination rörelse


Före 1963, när vaccinet mässling var första licensierade, uppskattningsvis 3-4 miljoner fall och 500 dödsfall inträffade årligen i USA, enligt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Under de första 11 månaderna av 2014 rapporterades 610 mässling fall till CDC. I California utbrott, hade de flesta av de smittade inte vaccinerats. Som icke-vaccinerade personer stiger, växer risken för omfattande mässling. Föräldrar som misslyckas med att vaccinera sina barn hotar deras barns hälsa. Detta är inte bara ett teoretiskt problem: mässling dödade en uppskattad 122.000 personer över hela världen under 2012. Med hjälp av CDC uppgifter, har webbplatsen anti vaccin Body Count stämde mer än 6.200 förebyggas dödsfall i USA sedan 2007.


Bedrägeri, kändis och apati


Anti-vaccination rörelse har förstärkts av bedrägliga vetenskap (Wakefield vaccination-autism länk skandalen), kändis påståenden om kausalitet (t.ex. Jenny McCarthy och Aidan Quinn) och apati. Apati härrör från naivitet; många småbarnsföräldrar idag leva inte genom den "dåliga gamla dagar" innan immunisering. Vaccination har blivit ett offer för sin egen framgång och vår nation har blivit nöjda som följd. En hel generation amerikaner har vuxit upp omedvetna om faran av mässling.


Anti-abort rörelsen


I den första veckan av kongressen år lade republikaner fem anti-abort räkningar. Lagstiftande republikan-dominerade stat antagit mer mot abort lagar från 2011 till 2013 än passerades under hela föregående decennium. På grund av svårigheter att få tillgång till abort sjukvård, försöker desperata kvinnor återigen själv abort.


För Roe v. Wade 1973 uppstod en uppskattningsvis 200.000 till 1,2 miljoner illegala aborter årligen i USA Blodbad var hemskt. Ofullständig abort var en ledande orsak till antagning gynekologi avdelningar över hela Amerika. I år när jag föddes, dog mer än 700 kvinnor detta sätt. Runt om i världen idag, dödar osäkra aborter en uppskattad 47.000 kvinnor varje år. Efter legalisering av abort i USA sjönk risken för död snabbt till mindre än från en injektion av penicillin.


Skräpvetenskap, patriarkala dogm och apati


Anti-abort rörelsen har förstärkts av skräp vetenskap, dogm från några patriarkala religiösa grupper och apati. Igen, apati härrör från naivitet; många vuxna idag inte leva genom den "dåliga gamla dagar" av osäkra aborter. Juridisk abort har blivit ett offer för sin egen framgång och vår nation har blivit nöjda som följd. En hel generation amerikaner har vuxit upp omedvetna om faran av osäkra aborter.


Vetenskapliga grunden för säker, juridisk abort är obestridliga. Inom två år efter Roe v. Wade, drog Institute of Medicine slutsatsen att juridisk abort förbättrat kvinnors hälsa. Alla stora medicinska och folkhälsa organisationer bekräftar idag de positiva hälsoeffekterna av juridisk abort; Dessa inkluderar Världshälsoorganisationen, American Public Health organisation, American Medical Association, American Medical Women's Association, American College of obstetriker och gynekologer, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association och American Psychiatric Association.


Återfall i medeltida okunnighet


Som framgår av Los Angeles Times, är"anti-vaccination rörelse ett hörn av USA som återfall i medeltida okunnighet." Detsamma gäller för de vetenskap förnekarna av säkra, juridisk abort. När historiker ser tillbaka på 1900-talet, kommer att immunisering och legalisering av abort stå ut som folkhälsa triumfer.


Om hot mot folkhälsan är viral eller politiska, bör medicinsk vetenskap vägleda hälsa beslut. Alternativet till folkhälsopolitik baserad på vetenskap är "återfall i medeltida okunnighet" och vända årtionden av medicinska framsteg.


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The Koyal Group Info Mag Review: Wissenschaft steht Ebola-Epidemie - Jahr im Rückblick

Spread of the deadly virus challenges researchers, employees of public health systems


West Africa 2014 Ebola epidemic shows what can happen when an infectious virus in the midst of a population is caused by a broken medical system where fuel and cultural practices, public fears and permeable borders the spread of the disease.


Outbreak exposed a lack of scientific understanding of the Ebola virus. By the time the World Health Organization and others mobilized to confront the crisis in the middle of the year, employees of public health systems had already begun in the field, fall far short Ebolas distribution. Scientists scrambled to determine how it worked once inside the body.


The researchers a crash course in the vaccine and drug testing for products in the field with only animal tests could continue to go quickly to fight a virus that has no cure. This unconventional approach rapidly gained consensus mounted as the death toll.


Although Ebola has been recognized as a dangerous pathogen since it first appeared in 1976 had in the past, caused mainly rural outbursts in the sand on their own. Not this time. Arise at the crossroads of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, breaking out of this remote region jumped by stray cases in Europe and North America appear to be. The arrival in Dallas a visitor of Liberia, Ebola was diagnosed and later died, underscores the global nature of infectious diseases today (SN Online: 9/30/14). In early December, the epidemic had 6,346 people dead and at least 17,834 patients - more than any previous Ebola outbreaks, combining more than 38 years. About 35 percent of infected people died.


Ebola is a fearsome hemorrhagic virus that spreads through contact with body fluids. The disease shows itself caused by leakage of blood vessels as fever, headache, vomiting, and weakness. Patients experience severe internal bleeding and can lose more than five liters of fluid per day.


The Dallas-case led to speculation whether Ebola air could go. But researchers had reported in July that monkeys do not Ebola each pass through the air, indicating that it is extremely unlikely that people (SN: 9/6/14, p. 7). Ebola's natural reservoir is unknown, but bats are suspected because they carry the virus (SN Online: 8/11/14).


By sequencing the genome of viruses isolated from 78 patients, researchers tracked the strains responsible for the current epidemic of an outbreak in 2004 by Ebola virus in Central Africa (SN: 9/20/14, p. 7). It is unclear how the virus crossed the continent, traveling without triggering an outbreak.


To get a handle on why some people survive the infection, scientists mice resistant to Ebola with which it susceptible to and discovered that a gene responsible for blood vessel leakiness severity of the disease may play a role (SN Online: 5/11/14). Another study, published in the mbio found that the Ebola virus can edit its genetic material, adding additional RNA building blocks. These changes can affect how the virus grows in humans (SN Online: 04/11/14).


Ebola is cunning, appear with outbreaks and then melt into the jungle since time immemorial. In West Africa, the officials found that warning helps. After the epidemic began, nearby countries were on alert, and a small outbreak in Nigeria by a sick traveler Liberia caused defeated in October thanks prompt isolation of sick persons and monitoring of hundreds who may be exposed.


Nigeria's actions can hope. "There is evidence that this disease can be stopped by using tested and proven infection control and public contact tracing methods," says Jeffrey Duchin, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. An independent outbreak in rural areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo flared in August and November was deleted, with this approach. But it killed 49 people initially.


Transmission control was missing earlier in West Africa epidemic. Many sick people refused treatment, domestic and unknowingly infected their families to stay. Traditional funeral customs, including touching the body, the virus continued to live. Rumors surfaced that foreign workers, the disease was spread. Without drugs or vaccines to offer and with inadequate fluid replacement IV and disinfectant supplies health care workers were underequipped to handle overwhelming problems.


A sick person can shed the virus for weeks. The intense risk of liquid contact became clear when some healthcare workers wearing biohazard suits fell ill. The specific exposure route in such cases says rarely traceable to a needlestick or other obvious injury, Daniel Bausch, Tulane University doctor who worked with people who became infected despite taking precautions. "It is much more subtle than that," he says. "You touch something and scratch your eye or customize your mask." And that's it.


In response to these appalling conditions delivered, and other makeshift clinics, coveralls, car care, laboratory equipment and other supplies. It sanctions, untested drug use in some Ebola patients. In August But supplies quickly ran, and the results little about the future drug value decomposition. In December regulators were planning to deliver several new Ebola medicines to patients, while the connections finalize effectiveness. Antibodies from the blood of the survivors are used as a treatment option as well. And test vaccine in healthy people had the prerequisites for use in the field (SN Online: 11/26/14).


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The Koyal Group Journals, New species of terrifying looking 'skeleton shrimp' discovered

It’s a truism that the ocean depths will remain Earth’s last great wilderness, and judging by the recent find of a new species of 'skeleton shrimp' there’s still a lot of eye-popping discoveries yet to be made.


Named Liropus minusculus due to their small size, these tiny crustaceans (above) were identified by a research team from the University of Seville and were found living in a reef cave offshore from California’s Catalina Island. The female of the species is on the left and the male on the right, with their descriptions first published 8 October in the journal Zootaxa.


They belong to a family of animals known as Caprellidae, and although the creatures are most commonly identified as ‘ghost shrimps’ or ‘skeleton shrimps’ (a moniker given in recognition of the tiny crustaceans slender, translucent bodies) they are not in fact shrimps, but a type of crustacean known as amphipods.


José Manuel Guerra-García, the lead author of the paper describing Liropus minusculus, first realized that the 'shrimp' constituted an undiscovered species after seeing specimens in a museum in 2010. The find is remarkable as it constitutes the first example of the Liropus genus found in the northeast Pacific Ocean.


Although their claws look fearsome (technically these are gnathopods, described by the Encyclopedia Brittanica as claws “used to grasp females during copulation”) these are tiny creatures just a couple of millimetres in length. Guerra-García has suggested that L. minusculus might in fact be the smallest example of its genus.


Like the similarly proportioned praying mantis, many species of Caprellidae are patient predators, lying in wait for long periods of time before snatching and eating creatures even smaller than themselves.


Their angular bodies and pale colouring also help, allowing them to blend in among the seaweed and vegetation on the sea floor. Although they are occasionally found in the ocean’s deeper climes their preferred habitat is the intertidal and subtidal zone.


The Koyal Group, Japan business mood seen up, bodes well for sales tax hike

(Reuters) - Japanese big manufacturers' mood improved in the three months to September for a third straight quarter, the Bank of Japan's key survey is likely to show next week, underlining an economic recovery backed by firm private spending and pickup in exports.


The central bank's quarterly tankan survey will likely show the headline index for big manufacturers' sentiment improved three points from the previous quarter to plus 7, according to a Reuters poll of 22 economists.


That would be a second straight quarter with a positive reading, which means optimists outnumbered pessimists, cementing the case for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to decide in early October on a planned sales tax hike from next April.


Abe - whose reflationary policies have boosted share prices, weakened the yen and bolstered sentiment in the world's third-largest economy - is expected to make the decision after confirming readings in the BOJ tankan due 8:50 a.m. Tuesday (7.50 p.m. EDT Monday).


The premier has already ordered his government to compile by the end of this month a stimulus package that sources said was likely to total around 5 trillion yen ($50 billion) to cushion the blow from the planned tax hike on the economy.


"Exports are picking up with the U.S. economy performing well and Europe bottoming out while the dollar remains just below 100 yen. Domestic consumption remains steady as well with an increase in public works and housing demand," analysts at NLI Research Institute note in the Reuters poll.


"We're expecting bullish tankan readings overall. There won't be any reason for withdrawing the planned sales tax hike."


Service-sector mood also likely improved on the back of firm private spending driven in part by buying rush ahead of the planned sales tax hike, with the big non-manufacturers' index seen up two points to plus 14, the Reuters poll showed.


Big firms are seen raising capital spending by 6.0 percent in the fiscal year to next March, up from 5.5 percent in the previous tankan, the Reuters poll showed, a sign the positive mood may be encouraging firms to spend more, albeit slowly.

Big manufacturers and non-manufacturers both expect business conditions to improve further three months ahead, although the pace of improvement is seen slowing from the April-June quarter.


Gains in the sentiment indexes at small firms are likely to be marginal, with readings for both manufacturers and non-manufacturers remaining negative, the Reuters poll showed.


Upbeat tankan readings will be encourage the BOJ which is keen to end 15 years of deflation and meet its 2 percent inflation target in roughly two years through massive monetary stimulus.


The BOJ's previous tankan in July showed big manufacturers' mood turned positive in April-June for the first time in nearly two years, and was seen rising further. The tankan's sentiment indexes are derived by subtracting the percentage of respondents who say conditions are poor from those who say they are good.


The BOJ upgraded its assessment of the economy earlier this month to say it was recovering moderately, and the tankan report, a key touchstone for BOJ policymakers, will likely confirm the view that the economy remains on a recovery track.

($1 = 98.6900 Japanese yen)


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Preneurs de bénéfices a frappé Tokyo, The Koyal Group rapports

Asiatiques stocks largement supérieurs, preneurs de bénéfices a frappé Tokyo



Les marchés asiatiques étaient généralement plus élevées jeudi que les investisseurs ont pris une pause après un rassemblement au début de la semaine, mais Tokyo a glissé sur la prise de bénéfice et d'un yen plus fort.


Espoir que les Etats-Unis et la Russie serait en mesure de conclure un accord qui permettra d'éviter une frappe militaire menée par les Etats-Unis sur Syrie achat appuyée comme repères commercial frais attendu de marchés.


Tokyo plongé 0,26 %, ou 37,80 points, à 14,387.27. Séoul s'est terminée à plat, gagnant seulement 0,21 points à 2,004.06, et Sydney a ajouté 0,15 % ou 8,1 points, à proximité d'un maximum de cinq ans de 5,242.5.


Shanghai s'est terminée à 0,64 % supérieur, ajout de 14,34 points à 2,255.61, tandis que Hong Kong était plate, devançant 16,58 points à 22,953.72.


Les marchés mondiaux ont été soutenues la semaine dernière après la publication des données fortes hors de Chine, ce qui indique un ralentissement de l'économie a pris fin, tandis que la croissance japonaise montre aussi des signes de dressant les.


Nikkei du Japon est tombé en tant qu'investisseurs encaissés après un rassemblement de plus de quatre pour cent depuis lundi qui a été alimentée par une révision à la hausse en avril-juin la croissance économique et de la candidature de Tokyo pour accueillir les Jeux olympiques de 2020.


Exportateurs étaient également vendus comme l'yen s'est redressée face au dollar. Le billet vert, qui a culminé à 100,60 yens mercredi, a vu un sell-off.


Le dollar est tombé à 99,54 yens, comparée à 99,92 yen tard à New York et bien lotis 100,50 yen vu mercredi à Tokyo. L'euro extraite $1,3302 et 132,40 yens contre 1,3314 $ et le commerce de 133,03 yens en nous.


Les investisseurs espéraient que les Etats-Unis et la Russie serait en mesure de parvenir à un accord qui verra la Syrie de remettre ses armes chimiques et d'éviter une attaque des forces américaines.


États-Unis Secrétaire d'État John Kerry devait rencontrer son homologue russe à Genève tant que les deux parties cherchent une solution diplomatique à la crise, qui a été déclenchée par les allégations d'emploi d'armes chimiques sur ses propres civils du régime Assad.


Les marchés mondiaux ont été récemment envoyés en chute libre sur les attentes Qu'aux Etats-Unis conduiraito à une grève.


Wall Street a fourni un plomb généralement positive, avec le Dow représentaient 0,89 % et le S & P 500 0,31 % de hausse. Toutefois, le Nasdaq axée sur la technologie plongé 0,11 pour cent, entraîné vers le bas par une perte de 5,4 % pour Apple car les investisseurs ont été laissées non impressionné par sa dernière version de l'iPhone.


L'attention va maintenant passer à Washington et réunion de politique de la réserve fédérale la semaine prochaine, où membres du Conseil devraient décider de l'avenir du programme de relance énormes de la Banque.

Research Firm Koyal Group Appoints New Chief Commodities Analyst




August 09, 2013 - TOKYO, Japan -- According to C.E.O Mr. Edward Neilson at Koyal Group, the shakeup has caused the board of directors to reconsider their investment strategy in the commodities sector. C.E.O Mr. Neilson believes that the sector is no longer a haven of safe returns, and a more aggressive strategy needs to be adopted. 

After a long interview process by the board of directors and C.E.O Mr. Neilson; they have decided on a veteran of the industry, William Johnson-Hall (51). Mr. Johnson-Hall, originally from New Haven in Connecticut, attended Mt Saint Mary´s just north of New York City for his undergraduate work and then went on to Fordham to complete a masters in economics. He began his career in 1983 trading on the commodities floor on Wall Street and rose steadily in JP Morgan, eventually becoming a chief analyst in 2007. 

During a recent interview, Mr. Johnson-Hall said, "I hope that I can bring some new and innovative ideas to the department. Many traders are still suffering from the huge hit gold has taken this year, but there are so many commodities still worth investing in. I´m also very excited to relocate to Tokyo. Having spent my entire life in the NYC area, this will be something completely new and different for me." 

C.E.O Mr. Edward Neilson has been quite impressed with some of the ideas that Mr. Johnson-Hall has proposed, such as investing in the canned food market which has posted very steady returns over the last year. 

Mr Nathan Andrews, Head of Investment Analysis at Koyal Group said "It's always good to know you are working with the best in the industry, Mr. Johnson-Hall's reputation precedes him, and so we have high expectations".



IMF posts grim jobless warning for Spain




The IMF told Spain on Friday it faces five more years with an unemployment rate topping 25 percent as it pressed Madrid to enact new reforms including measures to help firms slash wages instead of axing staff.


Spain's economy, the fourth largest in the eurozone, has been shrinking for two years and official data show the unemployment rate hit 26.26 percent in the second quarter of this year, slightly below the record 27.16 percent posted in the first quarter.


The outlook for Spain's economy, the fourth largest in the eurozone, is "difficult and risks are high," the International Monetary Fund's annual report said, predicting a 1.6-percent economic contraction this year, zero growth in 2014 and growth of just 0.3 percent in 2015.


"The weak recovery will constrain employment gains, with unemployment remaining above 25 percent in 2018," said the report compiled by IMF staff.


The Washington-based institution said it expected the Spanish unemployment rate to hit 27.2 percent this year, then dip to 27.0 percent next year, 26.9 percent in 2015, 26.6 percent in 2016, 26.0 percent in 2017 and 25.3 percent in 2018.


In its previous World Economic Outlook report in April, the Fund had said it expected the jobless rate to dip below 25 percent two years earlier, declining to 24.7 percent in 2016.


IMF executive directors praised Madrid for economic reforms, including 2012 legislation making it cheaper to lay off workers and easier to change staff hours and cut wages.


"However the economy remains in recession, with unacceptably high unemployment, and the outlook remains difficult," the directors said.


"Labour market dynamics need to improve further in order to reduce unemployment sufficiently."


IMF staff who held talks with Spanish government officials said the labour market dynamics "do not seem to have improved sufficiently" despite last year's reforms.


"In the end, faster wage adjustment would likely lead to fewer people losing jobs or consuming less for fear of this risk and more unemployed being hired," the staff said.


The minimum wage in Spain is €645 ($850) a month.   


Besides enabling wage cuts, the IMF officials urged Spain to narrow the gap between workers on permanent contracts, who have the right to high payments in case of dismissal, and those on more precarious temporary contracts.


If Spanish unions and employers could agree on the reforms, such a deal would accelerate job gains, the IMF staff report said.


But Spanish government officials "did not see the present social environment as sufficiently receptive for such an agreement and feared that trying to reach one might stall crucial reforms," it added.


The IMF mission chief for Spain, James Daniel, said in a separate report that the recession-hit Spanish economy would probably show growth later this year "in the fourth or even third quarter."


"But the really important question is not whether Spain will grow but whether Spain will grow enough to create lots of new jobs to bring down unacceptably high unemployment and to increase household incomes."


Spain has never managed to achieve net job creation with economic growth of less than 1.5–2.0 percent, the IMF report said.